
Acrylic World Newsletter - Apr. 2024
MARKET OVERVIEW   In Asia, tightened MMA supply continues to propel MMA prices upward by US$100~150 pmt in April. This increase is fueled by the ongoing surge in MMA demand from the USA and Europe, alongside escalating MMA prices in China and the struggles of most MMA plants with low inventory. In Europe, MMA production has been hindered by a rail strike in Ger...

2022/12/122023 Budget Meeting in Taipei
We come to the end of one-week budget meeting on 2nd Dec 2022. Sales team members fly from different regions to Taipei. It was the first gathering since the pandemic began in 2020. With our close teamwork, we are able to ach...
Catalyst, Ti, Zr, Bi, Zn...
Fatty Ester